Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Completely Legitimate Get-Rich-Quick Scheme...

Last night was Chinese New Year's "Chu-San" (third day) and my family and I, plus some friends went out for Chinese Hot Pot for dinner. It was there that I had an astonishing revelation: Hot Pot restaurants are a complete racket!

Think about it, this is a strip-down description of a restaurant: you have people come pay to sit in your restaurant and cook their own food. And the kicker? They do this willingly, and in some places, pay outrageous prices for huge banquents that they get to cook themself!

Call me crazy, but that's just crazy!

Well, that's all for this little post.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. That is an interesting take on one of my favorite parts of all Chinese cuisine. I never thought of it as me being the chef. I guess they really do set you up for success in the preparation though.
