Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Serial Criminal or Just a Politician?

Well, we all heard the news: Tom Daschle, the man who owed the IRS more than what 99.6% of the world's people make in a year (source:, has elected to step down from his political position. What a load of crap! Holy cow! He got to CHOOSE?

Pardon my incredulity, but I think that is ridiculous! When a guy who knocks over a 7-Eleven gets a prison sentence, but a politician who, in case you forgot, MAKES LAWS cheats his own government is not immediately strung up on a line and had rotten veggies thrown at him (the good ones need to go to the poorer countries) until his kidneys turned to jelly is allowed to choose what happens to his career, we know our country is in a tough spot.

Kudos to President Obama. He has really risen to his office; he may have made the nomination, but he did not condone Daschle's actions. That takes stones to admit responsibility for poor judgement, something not seen often enough among politicians.

While it is true that everyone makes mistakes, it also appears, and this is just my observation, that only some people have to be accountable. Too often do we allow crooked politicians get away with, as we all know, murder and other things. I think the reason we could never fully prosecute all the dishonest people in elected offices is because the government would more than partially dissolve.

Here comes my revolutionary segment: we need to stop electing anyone who has shown criminal behavior. Do we want criminals, convicted or not, running the country we cherish so much? Well, do we? I submit that we do not.

Now, just because it appears that government is flooded with corrupt people, it is not the case; there are many noble and honorable people in the government, but we need to enforce accountability among everyone. The same way that we do not tolerate drugs in schools or child molesters.

However, we need to start with ourselves; if we are not willing to be responsible for our own actions, how can we expect others to be the same?

Well, I am out of breath. Not really, but it is a good line to begin a conclusion.

I don't know how coherent this dissertation has been, but it has at least helped me feel better. It was not really funny, nor was it too entertaining, unless you like hearing me rant and rave like a doomsday prophet.

Well, thankfully, our time has come to an end, like a spool of thread on an ugly sweater that, since unfinished, will never have to be worn in public and can be summarily incinerated.

Until next time...

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